Andalusia Star News
Scores of Andalusia Middle School students turned out Saturday at the St. Vincent DePaul Society of Christ the King Catholic Church’s fifth annual Friends of the Poor Walk. The local event, which coincides with a national event, is designed to raise awareness that people in the local community have need, and to raise funds to meet those needs. This year, members of the community, the school’s... READ MORE>
Andalusia is getting a new Dollar General Store, corporate officials confirmed Wednesday.
The site, which is located on Shelby Street behind the Kangaroo Store convenience store, will serve as a relocation spot for the current store located just down the road on U.S. Hwy. 29 North, said Crystal Ghassemi of Dollar General’s public relations department.
“Construction started last week, as a matter of fact,” Ghassemi said. “However, the store is not set to open until late July 2014. That’s what the planning schedule is set at now, but construction progress can affect the opening of the store.”
Ghassemi said the new store will be 20 percent larger that the store’s current location, with 7,200 square-foot of shopping space.
“The layout is going to be identical to... READ MORE>
Construction is on track for the new sixth grade wing at Andalusia Elementary School, Superintendent Ted Watson said.
On Monday – and despite rain drizzles in the morning – construction crews were busy at work on the AES campus. Some 15 workers were seen doing various tasks.
Watson said what crews were actually doing was installing water lines.
“Right, now that’s what they’re in the middle of – installing water lines,” Watson said. “They’re working on the footings as well, and I’ve been told that next week, we’ll have a slab poured. That means we’ll soon see the building go vertical.”
Watson said the system will have architectural renderings of the building to share next week.
“That building is the smallest of the two,” Watson said of the project that will create a “sixth grade academy” at the elementary school and move the remaining junior high grades to a separate facility on the high school campus. Plans include... READ MORE>
Almost all of the damage to utility lines that occurred when a portion of the ground behind Westgate Plaza just dropped several feet on Sat., Aug. 17, has been repaired, Andalusia Utilities Board members were told Tuesday.
Mayor Earl Johnson said it has not been determined what caused the shift.
“The reports we got then on that, were it could have been this, or could have been that.” Johnson said.
City employees have been working since Aug. 17 to repair the damages to utility lines on an easement behind the property, he said.
“What we’ve been able to do is to go in there with our own folks, on our own time and with our own equipment and fix it,” he said.
There was a leak in the water line, he said.
Johnson said he has received a number of phone calls questioning whether the city was working on private property.
“That’s a crock,” the mayor said. “That is our equipment. That is our infrastructure, on our easement. We have easements that go across private property all over this city.”
Johnson said
We have the city’s insurance company has been notified.
“They have looked at it,” he said. “But they are going to say your equipment was leaking.”
Micah Blair, who is acting head of the... READ MORE>
There’s a crispness in the air, and that means the holidays will soon be upon us.
In Andalusia, the Tourism and Relocation Committee are already planning on how the city will celebrate Christmas, and the public and business owners are being encouraged to begin their planning now, as well.
“The T&R committee is helping to promote a Who-ville Christmas in Andalusia,” said city grants coordinator Barbara Tyler. “The parade theme this year is ‘Who-ville,’ and we are asking the businesses and community members to help create a ‘Who-ville-like’ atmosphere when decorating for Christmas and the parade.
“Right now, we’d like to let the community know we are gearing-up for a Who-ville Christmas, and it will be great fun if everyone gets their creative juices flowing to come up with a costume – the hats are the best – or special decoration and join in the festivities,” she said.
For those who are unfamiliar with the concept, “Who-ville” is ficticious city featured in “Dr. Seuss’ The Grinch that Stole Christmas.”
Tyler said the city is also working on ideas to promote shopping at local stores during the holidays.
The T&R committee is planning several showings of The Grinch at the city hall auditorium on Saturdays, Dec. 7 and Dec. 14. Each school-age child will be admitted free as long as they have a valid receipt from a local store dated between Nov. 29 and Dec. 14, 2013.
“We’re also working on a lot of other ideas to get residents and area merchants in the holiday spirit,” Tyler said. “Another idea is to have a... READ MORE>