Members of the Andalusia City Council got a sneak peak at the newly-renovated Andalusia High School auditorium Tuesday, after hearing an update on construction progress from Superintendent Ted Watson.
“They’re still working on a punch list,” Watson said. “And there will still be some things to be finished, but I think the overall effect will be well-received Friday.”
State building inspectors gave the final go-ahead for use of the building last week, meaning the high school can hold commencement exercises there Friday. It will be the first event there since the renovation of the auditorium and gym – a project that will total approximately $12 million – began last spring. In May of 2018, commencement was held in the Kiwanis Community Center.
Council members toured the new auditorium after Tuesday’s council meeting. During that meeting, the council:
- Agreed to purchase shade structures, benches and fans for Cooper Pool. The total cost is $36,000. The shade structures will not be installed before the pool opens on June 3.
- Agreed to contribute $500 for the American Legion for a June celebration of the national organization’s centennial.
- Abated nine properties for weed and grass violations.