Progress on the rebuilding of South Three Notch Street renovations should be more visible soon.
Daniel Wells of CDG Engineers and Associates said Friday that the utilities on South Three Notch have been relocated, which means road construction can resume. Phone, cable and power lines were moved underground as of June 16.
“We are currently in Phase IV of construction (Seegars Street to Baker Street) which is expected to continue for two to three months,” Wells said. “At completion, we will shift traffic and begin work on the southbound lane from Baker Street to Seegars Street.” Northbound traffic was closed in January.
Wiregrass Construction won the bid for the project, which is being managed by the State Department of Transportation.
The State of Alabama awarded Andalusia an $8.6 million ATRIP grant in 2013 for the repairs to the southern entrance to the city. The project required a $2.1 million local match. ATRIP is a program Gov. Robert Bentley designed in which future federal dollars were pledged against a bond issue to fund current projects.
Work on the massive South Three Notch project began the first week of November, when the first phase of construction widened the street from Simmons Street to Railroad Avenue. This phase also included installation of a new sanitary sewerage line in the center of the street.
Another phase included widening on the southbound side of the street, but did not interrupt traffic.
The completed project is expected to take approximately a year.
Andalusia Star News