Though they graduated in different decades, the four alumni honored as Outstanding Andalusia High School graduates on Friday said their alma mater prepared them well for college and life.
The eldest, Ed Henderson, graduated in 1939; Sidney Waits graduated in 1942; Earl Johnson and Paula Sue Duebelt each graduated in 1965. In the 26-year span, they had some of the same teachers.
Henderson said he often reflects on “what great teachers we had.”
“I didn’t’ realize it at the time,” he said. But he said he was well prepared for Auburn University.
Johnson said the teachers, along with each individual’s family and church “loved, nurtured and taught us. They disciplined us, and framed us up for who we would become.”
Duebelt, who was the first woman to receive the award, said, “You just have no idea how wonderful it makes me feel.”
The four joined a class of previous honorees who include W. Robert Brown (Class of 1948); Murray Findley (Class of 1948); Jim Krudop (Class of 1965); Robert Horry (Class of 1988); Dr. Ben Roberts (Class of 1991); Charles Brooks Sr. (Class of 1939); Coach Richard Robertson (Class of 1961); and Dr. Jack Sasser (Class of 1954).