Preparations are already under way for next month’s fund-raising fish fry for Meredith’s Miracles, but help is needed in the form of volunteers and baked goods, said Director Emily Yehling.
Volunteers, called “miracle workers,” will feed more than 500 people.
Plates will contain cheese grits, coleslaw, hush puppies, dessert, a drink and fresh fried catfish and are $8 for adults and $6 for children ages 12 and under. Food will be served Friday from 4:30 p.m. until 8 p.m. at the Southside Baptist Church Family Life Center.
“We are trying to encourage people to come by, grab some good food and help us to raise money for a terrific cause,” Yehling said.
Tickets for plates can be purchased at Southside the night of the fish fry, but residents are encouraged to buy advance tickets, which can be purchased locally at Harold’s Furniture and Flooring and at the Meredith’s Miracle’s thrift shop.
Meredith’s Miracles will also hold a bake sale during the fish fry.
The baked goods sale has also become a large part of the annual fundraiser, and will be headed this year by Patty Ashworth. Baked good donations can be left at the center beginning at 3 p.m. that Friday.
Funds raised are used locally to aid families in need.
“The goal of Meredith’s Miracles is to... READ MORE>