Comedian Leanne Morgan is no stranger to Andalusia, and will be back next weekend for the 2018 Little Black Dress Event, set for Sat., May 19, at the Andalusia Country Club.
A native of Eastern Tennessee, Morgan is described as “Scarlet O’Hara turned soccer mom.”
“Everybody wanted her back,” organizer Curtis Simpson said. “From the very next day, they were asking me to get her again.”
Morgan entertained at the 2017 LBD event, and also was featured by the Covington Arts Council.
The social hour, dinner, show and silent auction that’s just for women will benefit the Covington County Imagination Library, a literacy program that provides free books to children aged birth to age 5 years residing in Covington County, building each a library of 60 books by the time he or she enters kindergarten. At present, the program serves 975 children.
The program is affiliated with Dolly Parton Imagination Library, which helps provide the books at reduced costs. Simpson said every child’s first book is “The Little Engine That Could,” and the last one is, “Look Out, Kindergarten, Here I Come.”
“This is our only fundraiser for this organization,” Simpson said.
The silent auction and social hour featuring live music begin at 6 p.m. with dinner at 7 p.m. In the past, the event has included a fashion show, but this year, the fashions will be displayed on mannequins throughout the evening. Clothing from Town and Country Boutique and LulaRoe will be featured.
Individual tickets are $100, a table of six is $500, and a corporate sponsorship is $1,000. Tickets are available at Harold’s.