The Lindsey Bridge Road sidewalk project is officially complete, Jeremy McMath of Civil Southeast Engineering told the Andalusia City Council this week. The final inspection was held Thursday.
The city received a Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) grant in 2015 for the project, which was bid and begun in 2017. Floore Industrial Contractors, Inc. of Moss Point, Miss., was the low bidder at $463,750.
McMath said the company did “a great job of getting this project completed on time and within budget.”
Construction costs were approximately $45,000, McMath said, adding that the city’s portion of the project is $150,000.
The project installed sidewalks from Maple Street off Lindsey Bridge Road to Stanley Avenue, and from there to Johnson Park. In addition, drainage was improved at the entrance to Johnson Park, and at several points on Lindsey Bridge Road, and a parking area near the Gitty-Up-N-Go on Lindsey Bridge Road was paved.
The council also has looked at a sidewalk project to complement work being done at Andalusia High School, but has not agreed to seek funding for it.
Councilman Ralph Wells said the sidewalk has already gotten great use by people taking advantage of a safe place to walk for exercise.