Andalusia Star News


Engineers have redesigned a sidewalk project for which the City of Andalusia received a Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) grant in 2015, and are ready to begin the bidding process.

Originally, the proposal was to extend sidewalks down Stanley Avenue to Andalusia Memorial Cemetery and from Stanley Avenue down Lindsey Bridge Road to the intersection of Maple Street. The state will pay $394,218 toward the project, with the city contributing matching funds.

But Alan Kilen of Civil Southeast Engineering told council members Tuesday night that the project has been altered, and now also addresses drainage issues in several locations. The sidewalks still extend to Maple Street off Lindsey Bridge Road, but only go to Johnson Park on Stanley Avenue. “This plan accomplishes a lot more than just sidewalks,” Kilen said. “The large dirt area in front of Gitty-up and Go where trucks park, will be paved.”

In addition, drainage will be improved at the entrance to Johnson Park, and at several points on Lindsey Bridge Road.

Unlike a similar project on Prestwood Bridge Road, Kilen said the sidewalk is not nearly as close to the road because engineers have more right-of-way with which to work.

In other business, the council:

  • Agreed to purchase extraction equipment from Coastal Rescue for the Andalusia Fire Department.
  • Had the first reading of proposed changes to the city’s building code.
  • Agreed to issue checks to non-profit agencies to which the city contributes when its budget allows.


Andalusia Star News