LBW Community College will hold orientation at all campus locations for new students who have completed admission requirements for fall semester.
“This is an important and required part of the student’s academic career,” said Heather Owen, LBWCC recruitment director. “It is a half-day on-campus orientation and an online, one-credit-hour transferrable course that all students are required to take.”
During the orientation, students will gain a better understanding of how college works, meet advisors, register for fall semester classes, meet other new students, tour the campus, and get answers to any questions, she said.
Parents or legal guardians have the option to attend a session designed specifically for them.
Orientation dates for the Andalusia campus are July 18 and 19; at the MacArthur campus in Opp on July 20; and the Greenville campus on July 21 and 28.
“Students must notify us by July 8 of their intention to attend and their primary campus location.”
For more information, call (334) 881-2282 or email .