
Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs Director, Jim Byard, Jr., visited Andalusia on Tuesday, September 23rd as the guest of Mayor Earl Johnson and spoke to the Andalusia Rotary Club. "Andalusia looks great and you should be very proud. As a visitor or outsider looking in, I see a place that is moving forward, where you take pride and work hard to distinguish yourselves. In my experience businesses looking to expand notice that sort of thing. We at ADECA are extremely proud of what Mayor Johnson and Andalusia have accomplished in developing your economy and look forward to continuing our long and prosperous relationship."

When speaking to the Andalusia Rotary Club, Dir. Byard said that his department has participated in various infrastructure improvement projects in Andalusia and Covington County totaling many millions of dollars. "We at ADECA strive to make sure that our tax dollars are spent wisely and that our projects benefit tax payers."