Construction on the new Jack’s restaurant is expected to begin mid-September, and be completed by February.
Jim Avery, director of development for the company, told the Andalusia City Council Tuesday night that Jack’s investment in the property, and construction of a new building is expected to total $2 million. The new facility will be at the former location of Kentucky Fried Chicken.
The 3,500 square foot building will seat 80, and the plan includes 40 parking spots, as well as room for semi truck parking behind the restaurant. The company will have a 45-member team of employees, Avery said. He said the company projects annual sales of $1.7 million.
The city council agreed to rebate 2 cents of the local 3.5-cent sales tax over a four-year period.
In other business, the council:
Amended its personnel policy to change the company the city will use for drug tests.
Abated six properties for violation of weed ordinances.