Both Andalusia Health and Mizell Memorial on Thursday week joined the Alabama Hospital Association in calling for a statewidemoment ofsilencetorememberthemorethan12,000AlabamianslostfromCOVID-19.
Mayor Earl Johnson also called on Andalusians to join in the observance, set for Tuesday, Sept. 7, at noon.
As of Friday afternoon, Alabama had lost 12,394 individuals to COVID-19, according to the Alabama Department of Public Health. ADPH numbers show that 150 of those deaths were in Covington County.
Brian Springate, interim CEO of Andalusia Health, said, “We also want to remember their families, those who are still sickand all of our health care workers who are been caring for them. This disease has caused such devastation and heartbreak for so many Alabamians that we believe this is very much needed. We hope you’ll join us in the moment of silence wherever you are that day and that you’ll pass along this request to your friends, family and coworkers and encourage them to participate as well.”
MitchellMyers,MizellMemorialHospital’schiefclinicalofficer, said, “Theresurgence of COVID-19in ourcommunitycontinuesto stretchalreadythinresourcesandpersonnel.WordscannotexpressthegratitudewehaveforeachemployeeatMizell.Thesacrificesbeingmadebyemployeesindicatesthetruedesiretoserveothersaboveself.Furthermore,thephysicalandemotionalfatiguethishascausedonhospitalstaffshouldnotgounrecognized.SeeingthedevastatingeffectsCOVID-19hasonindividualsandtheirfamiliescanalsoimpacthealthcareemployeeswiththesamemagnitude.Wearetrulyblessedtohavesuchadedicated andcompassionatestaff.”
Mayor Johnson said, “Like communities all around the world, ours has suffered devastating losses as a result of the COVID-19 virus. Taking a moment to remember them, those who continue to fight, and those who have provided professional care for the past year and half is the least we can do to show them our support. I have no doubt Andalusia’s residents will join me in this effort.”