The Andalusia City Council is seeking an attorney general’s interpretation of who it can appoint to the South Central Alabama Mental Health board.
Mayor Earl Johnson said, “Most times when state statute gives us appointment authority, it says we may appoint a qualified elector from the city.
“The statute dealing with the South Central Alabama Mental Health board doesn’t state that. It says we are to appoint someone who lives in the area of service. “ Johnson said the council needs the AG to clarify whether that means in the board’s service area or the city’s.
The city currently has two seats to fill on that board.
In other business, the council:
Purchased computers, chairs and a projector for the library’s computer lab. The items, totaling $23,648, were purchased from the state bid list.
Agreed to purchase a new electronic access control system for city hall and a separate one for the Andalusia Police Department.
Agree to purchase 22 new security cameras for city hall and its campus.
Andalusia Star News