Andalusia Star News

The Andalusia City Council declared three properties owned by the same person a nuisance as the first step in an abatement process to get them cleaned up.

State law mandates a very specific process in which a landowner must be notified or problems with safety issues on his property. The property owner must be given time to respond. If he doesn’t, the city can declare the property a nuisance and order the work done, or do the work and add the cost of the work to the property owner’s taxes.

The three properties now in abatement for weed and clean-up issues include:

• 13200 Brooklyn Road

• 101 Doyle St.

• 240 Sixth Ave.

In other business, the council:

• Received its audit for the 2010 fiscal year, which ended Sept. 30, 2010.

• Agreed to contribute $10,000 toward rebuilding the sign at the Kiwanis Community Center damaged by storm winds in April.

• Passed a resolution of its intent to close a portion of Antioch and Holley roads, part of a land deal for a new business.

• Agreed to apply for a $580,000 Community Development Block Grant.