Andalusia Star News

The Andalusia City Council last night gave its approval to the first of two murals planned for the Pirate Graphics building on East Three Notch.

A three-panel mural on the side of the building facing East Three Notch will depict early utilities in the county. The council authorized the mayor and clerk to enter a contract with Dothan artist Wes Hardin for the mural.

Murals committee chairman Pat Palmore also showed the council preliminary sketches for the second mural planned for the building, which will include the Three Notch Trail and Hank and Audrey Williams, who were married in the building, as noted by a nearby historic marker.

In other business, the council:

* reappointed Mark Ingram, Emma Locke and Steve Bozeman to the Recreation Board.

* accepted CenturyLink’s low bid for phone service.

* declared a 1996 Crown Victoria in the police department surplus.