Andalusia Star News

For nearly 30 years, the clock that once was at the pinnacle of the Covington County Courthouse has been missing.

Now, repairs to the clock, along with a multitude of other cosmetic updates, are under way by county employees.

County administrator Brenda Petty said one of the most noticeable repairs is to the building’s front doors.

“People may have noticed a sign taped to one of the front doors for the last year or so that said ‘Use other door,’” she said. “That’s because it’s been out of service for a while now. During a blowing rainstorm, those doors would blow open and soak the floors, making that marble a bad slip and fall exposure. But those should soon be finished.”

Petty said crews have also worked to repair water-damaged wallpaper in the rotunda.

“You’ll also noticed the great paint job in that area, too,” she said. “We’ve also ordered a new clock for the front pinnacle of the courthouse, which should arrive and be installed within the next few weeks. That clock has been gone for at least as long as I’ve been here, which is almost 27 years. So that will be very nice.”