Andalusia Star News

Shown in red is the proposed route of the new sidewalk. | Artist's rendering
Shown in red is the proposed route of the new sidewalk. | Artist's rendering

The City of Andalusia Tuesday authorized Civil Southeast Engineering to pursue a grant for the installation of sidewalks on the east side of town.

Jeremy McMath of Civil Southeast addressed the council with the proposed plan, which would extend sidewalks down Stanley Avenue to Andalusia Memorial Cemetery, and from Stanley Avenue down Lindsey Bridge Road to the intersection of Maple Street.

The estimated project cost is $538,073, of which the city would contribute $143,854, if the grant is approved.

McMath estimated actual work on the project would be two years away, if the grant is approved. A similar grant was submitted last year, but was not funded.

McMath also updated the project schedule for sidewalks on the west side of town, which have been funded. Once the state approves the final engineering plan, he said, bids can be let this summer, and the project will begin in the fall. It should be completed by Feb. 15, 2016, he estimated.

In other business, the council:

• Transferred the beverage license of Boland Lanes to a new owner.

• Accepted Walker Electric’s low bid of $21,717 to

• Agreed to contribute $1,500 to the Alabama Junior Rodeo Association, which will hold its finals in Andalusia in June.

• Awarded a three-year cemetery maintenance contract to Deep South Lawn Service.

• Approved the abatement of weeds on three properties, including 407 Montgomery St., a vacant lot on Fletcher Road, and lot on 222 Crescent St.

• Approved a hazardous building abatement for property at 236 Smith Street. The city will tear the structure down.

By Michele Gerlach
Andalusia Star News