Andalusia Star News

A crowd of more than 40 people listened to current officials and those seeking election this year at Covington County Day, held on the lawn of the Chamber Thursday.
A crowd of more than 40 people listened to current officials and those seeking election this year at Covington County Day, held on the lawn of the Chamber Thursday.

The City of Andalusia is Alabama’s best, and committed to being better.


Andalusia City Schools want to be known for excellence.


And the State of Alabama is improving.


Those are the messages those gathered for the Andalusia Area Chamber of Commerce’s first Covington County Day heard from Mayor Earl Johnson, Superintendent Ted Watson and Sen. Jimmy Holley.


“Andalusia is Alabama’s top town,” Johnson said. “And that’s not just the mayor stating that. We were selected by an independent survey of small towns in America. We were that top Alabama town and the 33rd best small town in which to live in America. That is an amazing phenomenon to happen to our community.


“We have embraced that, we believe it, and we won’t be happy until we are the No. 1 small town in America,” the mayor said.


Johnson said the city’s gross receipts, sales taxes and business licenses are all up.


“That’s a good measure of the health of our economy,” he said. “It means our economy is growing.”


Johnson said city leaders continue to concentrate on retail development, and to work on quality of life issues that make the city attractive to potential residents.


“Andalusia is Alabama’s top town, and it’s my intention to keep it that way,” he said.... READ MORE>