The Andalusia City Council Tuesday approved eight paving projects that will total more than $565,000.
The project, slated for this summer, includes:
• Moore Road – from South Three Notch Street to South By-Pass, $112,770.
• Fourth Avenue – from East Three Notch Street to Henderson Street, $79,978.
• Lindsey Bridge Road, from Stanley Avenue to Easley Drive, $226,406.
• Academy Drive, from Railroad to Midway Drive, $32,600.
• Feagin Avenue, from South Cotton Street to Whatley Street, $44,412.
• Holloway Drive, from Dunson Street to Church Street, $8,978.
• Lakeview Drive, from Camellia Avenue to Sanford Road, $46,226
• Aspen Lane, from Willow Drive to Grand Oak Drive, $14,568.
Jim Hogg, who supervises Andalusia’s Public Works Department, said he tried to choose main thoroughfare streets for the project, for which the city has set aside more than $500,000 in proceeds from the refinancing the city’s long-term debt.
The city can get the streets paved with the county’s current bid, so that the project won’t have to be let.
“That’s a really good deal for us,” Hogg said.
Of the projects, only Fourth Avenue will have to be milled, he said. Other projects will only involve resurfacing.
“We’ll have a better project if we wait until the weather gets hotter,” he said. “The ashphalt cures better and lasts longer.”
Mayor Earl Johnson said the Utilities Board will check water and sewer lines on the designated streets and make any necessary repairs before the paving is done. The process involves using a camera to determine weak or leaking spots, and lining the pipes when problems are found.
“Hopefully, next year, we’ll be able to do some smaller paving projects in neighborhoods with our gas tax money,” he said.
Gas taxes are earmarked for road repairs.