The City of Andalusia recently signed a new contract for recycling that limits the items that can be included in recycling bags picked up by the city, which means that magazines and newspapers should no longer be included in the green recycling bags.
Director of Public Works Glynn Ralls said it is important that local residents note the changes. If more than 10 percent of the content in a recycling bag is from items on the “unacceptable” list, none of the contents will be recycled by the vendor.
The city offers a free recycling program to its citizens and makes participation extremely easy. Residents are initially furnished two green bags. All acceptable materials can be commingled in the same bag. No sorting is required. Cans, plastic bottles, and jugs should be rinsed.
The city will continue to assist its residents who wish to recycle with the following items:
· Aluminum cans
· Tin cans
· Plastics (#1 and #2). Examples include water bottles, soft drink bottles, and milk jugs. Discard all bottle caps.
· Clean paper
· Clean cardboard boxes, free of all packaging materials (plastics and Styrofoam)
There is no charge for recycling for city utilities customers.
Items that are unacceptable include:
· Glass
· Magazines
· Newspaper
· Egg Cartons
· Pizza Boxes
· Styrofoam
· Anything other than the acceptable materials above
If you would like a green bag delivered to your home, please the City of Andalusia’s Public Works Department at 222-0862. All recycling bags need to be placed out for pickup by 6 a.m. on garbage pickup day or the night before.