In its last official meeting, the current administration of the City of Andalusia on Tuesday amended its personnel by reassigning responsibilities of the former director of leisure services.

When former director Dwight Mikel retired last year, Mikel’s former responsibilities were split between John Thompson, city clerk, and Andy Wiggins, director of planning and development.

The council formalized the arrangement this week, giving Thompson responsibility for the public golf course at LBW, the library, and the adult activity center, and Wiggins responsibility for parks and recreation and youth sports.

Mayor Earl Johnson said that this move brings the city and the utilities department to a total of about eight positions eliminated by attrition over the past four years, saving the city more than $600,000 annually. The list includes the job of utilities board manager. At present, the mayor serves as utilities board manager for no pay.

There also were no pay changes for Thompson and Wiggins in Tuesday’s actions, although Johnson said consideration will need to be given to that in the future.

In other business, the council reappointed Jean Bishop to the library board.

Five of the six members of the current administration were re-elected in August and will take office again in November. Councilman Jason Jewell did not seek reelection, and his seat was won by Ralph Wells.

- Andalusia Star News