Andalusia Star News

The Andalusia City Council took another step toward the expansion of city sidewalks down Prestwood Bridge Road, when it agreed Tuesday to let bids for the project.

Alabama Department of Transportation notified the city in late 2013 that it had been awarded $382,206 Transportation Alternative Program (TAP) grant for the sidewalk project. The city will be required to provide 20 percent matching funds for the project, and pay design and engineering fees.

Civil Southeast Engineering has completed the engineering work, which has been approved by the state. Bids are being let with two possible alternates, which the council can add if it can afford to do so.

As drawn by Civil Southeast, the project as bid would extend the sidewalk from Dunson Street, across the bypass, and down Prestwood Bridge Road to the intersection of Cedar Road. The base project also extends sidewalks between Dunson and Church Street on Snowden Drive, and extends the sidewalk on Church Street to Snowden.

The first bid alternate continues the sidewalk from Cedar Drive to Rosewood Lane (previously called Blueberry Hill). The second bid alternate puts a sidewalk from Church Street and Snowden to the bypass.

Councilwoman Hazel Griffin expressed her discontent that the base bid did not include a sidewalk for the portion of Prestwood Bridge Road between Cedar Drive and Rosewood Lane.

In other business, the council:

• Accepted the low bid for a new shredder for the recycling center for $36,989.

• Approved a special event alcohol license to the National Wild Turkey Federation for a fundraising event.

• Heard an update from Bob Young of Frazier Lanier on a plan to refinance two city bond issues at an expected savings of more than $250,000.

• Agreed to contribute $2,500 to the LBW Foundation for its golden anniversary gala fundraiser.

By michele Gerlach
Andalusia Star News