Looking to take a trip to somewhere that has natural beauty, rich culture, historic cities and friendly locals?
Ireland may be the place for you, and Andalusia’s Adult Activity Center is looking for locals who are interested in taking the trip.
The tour will include a Burlington Cabaret dinner and show, Bunratty Castle, a medieval banquet, Dublin Castle, kiss the Blarney stone, visit the Ring of Kerry, Cliffs of Moher, Blarney Castle, Blarney Wooden Mills and Japanese gardens, among other scenes.
The exact itinerary will depend on how many people sign up, Debbie Carter of the AAC said.
“I had never thought of Ireland until my daughter went,” she said. “It’s a beautiful, breathtaking country.
“Every-thing is green in the winter months,” she said. “So I’m sure the summer months will be beautiful. A lot of local citizens have ancestors from there.”
Carter said that anyone age 21 and up is welcome to go on the trip.
“Although we don’t have the exact cost mapped out, it will depend on the number of people going, and the exact date we go,” she said. “The price will include a plane ticket, bus tour and a lot of the meals will be included. Our plan is to go sometime this summer.”
Carter said the plan is to take a six or eight-day tour, but said it will probably be a six-day, four-night trip.
“Also, people considering going should remember they will need a passport,” she said.
Anyone interested in going on the trip, should contact the AAC at 222-6891 no later than Feb. 14.
“It’s going to be a great trip,” Carter said. “So, don’t miss out.”